Part 3 — Navigating the SEO Landscape: My Internship Insights

The PM Playbook
4 min readSep 15, 2023


In the vast realm of digital marketing, one term consistently rises to the forefront: SEO or Search Engine Optimization. SEO is pivotal for the success of any online endeavour, from websites and blogs to e-commerce stores and beyond. In this guide, we’ll break down the basics of SEO, explore the differences between organic and paid search results, delve into the importance of keywords and on-page optimization, and offer essential tips for beginners.

What is SEO?

At its core, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the art and science of optimizing your digital content so search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo can easily understand and rank it. The goal? To increase your website’s visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs), drive organic (non-paid) traffic, and ultimately, connect with your target audience.

The Role of SEO in Digital Marketing

Digital marketing strategies are like the tools in a craftsman’s workshop, and SEO is the key that unlocks the door to online success. It’s a multifaceted approach involving keyword research, content creation, technical optimization, and link building. SEO doesn’t just drive traffic; it ensures your website reaches the right people at the right time.

Organic Search Results

Organic results are the listings that appear naturally in search engine results. They are not influenced by paid advertising and are determined by search engine algorithms. Achieving a high ranking in organic search results is the primary aim of SEO efforts.

Paid Search Results

Paid results, on the other hand, are advertisements that appear at the top or sides of the SERPs. Marketers pay search engines for ad placement, and these ads are often labelled as such. Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising is a common example of paid search marketing.

An Example: Finding Pizza

Imagine it’s Friday evening, and you’re in the mood for pizza. You whip out your smartphone, open your preferred search engine app, and type in “best pizza in [your city].” You hit the search button, eagerly anticipating the cheesy delights that await.

Take a closer look at the search results that pop up on your screen. The top results, typically a list of pizzerias in your area, appear like magic. They’re not marked as ads; they’re just there, waiting for you to explore.

Congratulations, you’ve just stumbled upon organic search results in action! These listings aren’t influenced by paid advertising dollars; they’re the product of search engine algorithms doing their job. The search engine has combed through countless websites, considered factors like relevance, quality, and location, and presented you with what it believes are the best pizza places near you.

So, when you click on that mouthwatering result and decide to visit one of those pizzerias, you’re experiencing the power of organic search. These businesses have fine-tuned their websites and content to be SEO-friendly, aiming to secure those coveted top spots in search results and, in turn, win your culinary affections.

But remember, not all that glitters in the digital realm is gold. While organic results are determined by algorithms, other results labeled as “Ad” or “Sponsored” are paid advertisements. These businesses are willing to pay for prime real estate on your screen.

The choice is yours: organic or paid. Your journey into the delicious world of pizza, guided by search engine wizardry, is just one tasty example of how SEO can influence your online adventures.

The Importance of Keywords

Keywords are the foundation of SEO. These are the words and phrases that people enter into search engines when looking for information or solutions. Conducting thorough keyword research helps you identify the terms your target audience uses. Utilizing these keywords strategically throughout your content signals to search engines that your content is relevant to users’ queries.

Examples of Companies Using SEO

  1. Amazon: As one of the largest e-commerce platforms, Amazon heavily invests in SEO to ensure its products appear at the top of search engine results. In 2022, Amazon’s organic search traffic was reported to exceed 2 billion visits per month, demonstrating the massive reach SEO can provide.
  2. HubSpot: This marketing, sales, and service software company uses SEO to attract customers by creating valuable content and optimizing their website. HubSpot’s organic traffic increased by 30% in 2021, largely due to effective SEO strategies.
  3. Airbnb: By optimizing its listings and creating location-specific content, Airbnb improves its visibility in search results, attracting travelers worldwide. In 2021, Airbnb saw a 15% increase in organic traffic, contributing to a significant boost in bookings.
  4. Moz: A leading SEO software company, Moz practices what it preaches by optimizing its own content and website to rank highly in search results. Moz’s blog and resources draw millions of visitors annually, thanks to strong SEO practices.
  5. Zomato: This restaurant search and discovery service uses SEO to ensure that its listings and user-generated reviews rank highly in local search results. Zomato’s organic search traffic saw a 25% increase in 2022, enhancing its visibility and user engagement.

Basic SEO Tips for Beginners

  1. Quality Content is King: Create high-quality, engaging content that provides value to your audience. Quality content attracts both readers and search engines.
  2. Keyword Research: Use keyword research tools to identify relevant keywords for your niche. Incorporate these keywords naturally into your content.
  3. Optimize for User Experience: Make sure your website is easy to navigate, loads quickly, and works well on mobile devices.
  4. Build Quality Backlinks: Earn links from reputable websites within your industry. Backlinks signal authority and trust to search engines.
  5. Regularly Update Content: Keep your website up-to-date with fresh content. Regular updates signal to search engines that your site is active and relevant.

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The PM Playbook

Open to Freelancing: Graphic design, content writing, Off-page SEO, Product manager, UX/UI designer. Actively looking for product opportunities.